Monday, January 21, 2013

A gentler job

I couldn't ask for. Even when I can't feel my fingers or I have a cranky baby on my back, I love this work. Light. I often take pictures on the sly that (shhhhh) have nothing to do with the knitwear that I've been hired for. Or the people, even. Just because I love doorways or rocks or rough wood forth. I'll try to start sharing some of those here because sadly they hardly ever even make it to the light of day since I get too lazy to bother, and I like to prove (to you, me) that it's not all just babies around here. Occasionally, at least.


Someday I want to own a house with a chicken coop covered in blackberries and honeysuckle. Maybe even just the coop, especially if I can squeeze a goat or two in there with us. Makes me feel like Eliza Lou, like from the song, 'Mama Buy Me a China Doll'.


I love braids, it's a likely reason why I became a knitter. I braided her hair even though she spent most of the shoot with a hat on. Fortunately, since it was quite cold, but it was worth it because braids are magic.

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