Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Tomorrow evening I will be with the Fort Vancouver Knitting Guild to hold forth on a topic very near and dear to my heart:

I wish you all could be there, it always so nice to look out and see friendly, familiar faces in a crowd. This is part of a new course that I will soon be offering at Twisted. It's basically a revamped and extended version of my old DSLR class that will involve more workshopping and hands-on time, and will focus on the use of light as a creative medium and training the eye to find the images you want. The technical aspects of photography I've moved into a shorter workshop, since it was a little much to try to combine both into one class.

Ha, I just noticed that my lazy use of screen shot to grab the above image has included Microsoft's traitorous rendering of the title as a non-word. I have a bit of an overzealous inclination to create words through fusion. Just ask my son. At least at this age he still things such shenanigans are funny.

Speaking of words, I need to go figure out what the heck I'm going to say about all these photos...aren't pictures supposed to be worth a thousand words? In which case, I am allowed some frugality.

Wish me luck!

*** UPDATE: It was so much fun, thanks everyone! The class dates are also set, they will be October 28th and Nov. 4th, 9am-12pm. Contact Twisted for details.

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